3 steps to enhancing your relationship with the Holy Spirit – Selman
The president of Eternity Network International (ENI), and convener of 'Koinonia', Apostle Joshua Selman has revealed three crucial steps to foster relationships with the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Suleman said though many Christians pray but they do not have relationship with the Holy Spirit.
“Many people pray but do not have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. In fact many people hear God but they don’t have a relationship with the Holy Spirit.”
He said there are three things he knows about relating with the Holy Spirit;
1- Intimacy with the Holy Spirit is atmosphere dependent. Your first sacrifice is not to call him but to culture the atmosphere that makes His presence conducive. It is about the hardest dimension of walking with the Holy Spirit. The sacrifice of creating the atmosphere. Simulating heaven in your environment, to allow the Holy Spirit to be comfortable. He says ‘now arise o God’, Solomon was speaking, ‘come to your resting place’. Not come to the house I have built. I have simulated heaven within a physical structure, find comfort in it.
2- You want to walk with the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit only relates with people from a standpoint of brokenness and contriteness. You will never truly walk with the Holy Spirit until you are willing to be broken. Ever broken not once broken. Nothing I know that attracts the Spirit of God to a life of a man like brokenness and contriteness.
3- The third key to enjoying the ministry of the Holy Spirit, is obedience to His voice and his instructions. The Holy Spirit is an extension of the will of the father through Christ. Ignoring and trivialising instructions will close up the continues of that lecture, that dealing process.