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Scriptural Personalities that Engaged In Kingdom Service And Their Benefits – Apostle Itodje

Admittedly, the scriptures is full of people who engaged in kingdom service, and enjoyed the benefits thereof.

The likes of David, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Apostle Paul, Jesus Christ, The Apostles of lamb and so on.

Taking David as a case study, God spoke of him in this manner,
“I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:” Psalm 89:30

David was anointed to serve, but how did David engage in Kingdom service?
1. By fighting for the course of the kingdom, 1 Samuel 17:26,32.
2. By removing reproach and returning the symbol of authority and godliness back to Israel, 2 Samuel 6:1-2,15.
3. By making provisions for the building of God’s house, 1 Chronicles 28:1-2,11-18.
4. Through intensive worship, 2 Samuel 23.
5. Respect for anointed vessels and constituted authority, 1 Samuel 26:11.
6. Life style of constant enquiry of the Lord – a lifestyle of constant prayers, 2 Samuel 2:1, 2 Samuel 30:8.

Benefits of David’s kingdom service
1. Divinely elevated and enthroned, 2 Samuel 2:4; 2 Samuel 5:1-3.
2. The constant flowing of the anointing, Psalm 89:20; Psalm 23:5
3. Divine Preservation and protection, 2 Samuel 8:6,14.
4. Greatness and fame, 1 Chronicles 11:9, 2 Samuel 3:1, 2 Samuel 5:1.

My Submission
1. Kingdom service is not limited to only what we do in the church. Deuteronomy 10:12. The very essence of creating man is for him to please God.
2. Anybody who wants to work for God must first be ready to walk with Him. Micah 6:8.

Prayer points
1. Appreciation to God for the message.
2. Oh Lord, my Father, give me the grace to serve with my body, soul and spirit.
3. Oh Lord, my Father, let me enjoy the dividends of kingdom service.

Apostle Godstime Okemute Itodje, ministering during the Encounter For Rest Service at House of God Int’l – Rest Tabernacle.

PS: “The Beauty of Serving – kingdom service.”

Prevail Inegbenose

Prevail Inegbenose is the News Correspondent of Spark News Daily - Nigeria's most sought-after online newspaper in Government, Politics, Sport, Entertainment and Religion. He is a graduate of Mass Communication with 17 years of active and practical journalism. Tel: 08039564796.

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