According to The African Report, the story “is not based on reality” and it perfectly illustrates the results of an MIT study published in 2018, which found that fake news spreads faster than real information.
Investigative journalist Rym Bousmid dug into the rumour and how it started before concluding that it had no element of truth.
“It started with a tweet published by the Ivorian journal First Mag. This online media platform is a regular offender when it comes to the dissemination of fake news, and seems to focus more on comedy than journalism,” Rym writes for The Africa Report.
French Journalist and sports reporter Gilles Verdez also spoke out against the rumors, stressing that they are “fake news” and it wouldn’t be possible for Hakimi to put the property in his mother’s name.
In a report from French media Le 10 Sport, Verdez said that the rumors “are not true.”
“But it’s not true that he put the property in his mother’s name, that wouldn’t be possible,” the reporter said. “Not in Spain, not in Morocco, not in France.”
Also, Hakimi’s mother has refuted the story (read here) but this has not stopped the initial report from being circulated and debated. Many opined that she refuted it to protect her son.
From a legal standpoint, the news is “not credible” because “hiding one’s asset from one’s spouse is an act of fraud”.
“In the majority of European countries (including Spain, Germany, Italy and France, where the player has lived successively), there are two types of matrimonial regimes: marriage in community of property, which implies that everything acquired during the marriage by one of the spouses is shared in case of divorce; and that of the separation of property, which assumes that the non-division of property is stipulated in the marriage contract,” as per The African Report.”