Why Are You Looking Elsewhere?, Pastor Prevail Inegbenose
I'm not too happy now, I mean I'm really press in my spirit.

Because I see a lot of people looking elsewhere, when they can actually look inward.
Now let me tell you about Flora Smith.
I believe there’s something to learn from her story.
Flora lives in the suburb of one of the most prestigious cities in Nigeria.
She’s married with three beautiful daughters.
As the year began, she thought of doing something to support her family.
“Well a business will be ok”.
But then, Flora had no money to start the business of her choice.
So, rather than looking elsewhere, like crying unto God or calling her relations or borrowing money…
Or even deciding to fold her hands and tell people she couldn’t do anything due to lack of finance.
She decided to look inward!
Guess what she did.
Flora Smith went to her wardrobe, and brought out all her old shoes.
Most of which she has not wore for the past three years.
She cleaned and took them to a near market and displayed them for sale.
As she sold, she was using the money to buy more used shoes.
Today, Flora is a big time dealer of used shoes.
That’s not all,
She now has the financial strength to do any business of her choice.
My dear friend,
Recall I told you in my first message of this series that you must plan the year.
And in my second, I asked you to set goals for yourself, right?
Now, this is my third and final message of the series, “xteristics of a good beginning.”
Use what you have now to set up yourself!
What you have could be money (though not enough), skill, energy, or time, start with it.
Don’t worry about what you don’t have now.
It is true that you want to go into Export and Import business, but what you have now cannot get you that.
Use what you have now to set up something else, and as you grow, then you can veer into the business or career of your choice.
I have seen people who are skilled in making hair, but they are looking for money to start a business.
A mechanic (automobile engineer) with a work-shop, looking for a driving job.
People abandoning their skills, in search of another means of livelihood.
Hear me well, my dear friend.
It is not wrong to aspire for a more lucrative and comfortable business.
But just as Flora did, start with what you have now first…
Look inward, there’s something in there you can start with.
God bless you!
Jesus is coming back soon!
Pst Prevail Inegbenose, House of God Int’l – Rest Tabernacle.
PS: Don’t wait for what you believe God for before starting, but start with what you have now and believe God for His intervention.