3 Reasons Why Divine Visitation Is Delayed, part 1 – Pastor Akoh Ferdinand
Even when God finally showed up in Egypt for the children of Israel, it should be described as a delayed Divine visitation. For a very long time, it had seemed there was no hope of a Divine visitation.

What then are the reasons why Divine Visitation with mortals are delayed? Lets examine the first reason:
(1). RELEVANT without VALUE. Until relevance translates to value Divine visitation will always look like a delayed Divine visitation. One of the greatest hurts this generation lives with is that there are many relevant but few men of value.
This generation celebrates provision than vision. It’s a generation that glory in gifts than bearing fruits. That you are relevant doesn’t make you valuable. Every result is traceable to an insult; again let me say it this way, you can be available yet not reliable. The difference between Lot and Abraham is rooted in their level of spiritual maturity. This is what I call value.
Abraham was more valuable than Lot, and don’t forget that God visitated Abraham in Mamre, and later visitated lot. But because He visitated Abraham first, lot can confidently say His visitation was delayed. Why? lot was relevant but not as valuable as Abraham.
Genesis1:28 is alive because Adam was relevant and Gen2:15, was a proof he had entered the realm of value. Call it maturity after, he understood the use of words to actualise realities. As he called the animals so they were known. Value is a realm God commits kingdom affairs to be run by man. No doubt scripture said God visitated man at the cool of the day.
There are two mentalities on the earth: the upright and the fallen. The upright lives seeking fulfillment, this is value, Gen2:15. While the later lives asking for blessings in Gen1:28 that was given free. There is the one that wasteth its candle to ask for riches, and yet another who sees himself the riches of his Eden.
God’s provision is for all relevant, but His presence is owed to value. So wherever you perceive a Delayed Divine visitation, It is a report card that there are more relevant men with almost no hunger for value, a way to say unreliable available men.
I pray for grace to understand that we are the blessing our Eden prays for.
Akoh Ferdinand is the Senior Pastor of Veil of Glory Apostolic Ministry International, Abuja, Nigeria.