“You’ll be sons and daughters to me.”
“I will be a father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty”.
2 Corinthians 6:18 CEB
Every good father has a dream for his children. In the previous devotion we saw part of God’s dream for us: “I’ll be a Father to you.” That’s been His plan since before the foundation of the world. But there’s more. Not only does God want us to know His true identity; He also wants us to know our true identity. If He is our Father, then what does that make us? If we choose to follow His Son, Jesus Christ, it makes us His sons and daughters. This is the greatest joy of all—to know that God is the Father we’ve all been waiting for, and to revel in the privilege of being His adopted sons and daughters. This is His dream for our lives. Let’s make it our highest goal to enter into the fullness of what it means to be the sons and daughters of the greatest Father of all. Let’s make it our life’s goal to be the best sons and the best daughters that we could possibly be to our Father in Heaven. This is the Father’s dream for our lives. Let’s make it our dream too!
Dear Father, I thank You that You’ve called me to be Your adopted child. Help me to build my identity on this wonderful honor. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Good morning.
Rev. Lordson Tabi is the Senior Pastor of All Families and Nations Outreach Ministries in Soa, Cameroon. He’s a writer, marriage counselor and relationship expert. Email: lordsontabi4g@gmail.com