LearnChrist Bible Study [Topic]: Is it possible to live a holy life?
"Oh forget it, it's only God that is holy; man can't be holy, and trying to live holy will only amount to nothing". That's usually the saying of men in our generation.
We at LearnChrist pointed out the following facts;
1. The cheap talk that nobody is holy has the tendency to discourage people from living a holy life. If you can’t live holy, at least encourage others who wants to do so. We have discovered over the years that 90% of the people who says holy living isn’t possible are people who have given themselves to the pleasure of sins.
2. If the bible refered to Noah, Job, John the Baptist, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Simeon, and Joseph the Aramathea as being perfect and just, why then do we say man can’t live holy?
3. When the bible says all our righteousness are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), this doesn’t mean man can’t be righteous. It only means one thing: that the righteousness of man when compared with that of God, is like a filthy rag, Job 4:17; 15:14-15; 25:4-6.
When the bible says the heaven is not clean in God’s sight, does it mean the heaven is dirty? No! Listen, there is a standard that God has set for man, when you meet it He will adjudged you holy. Let us not use this scripture as a cloak to live unholy life.
4. There are several passages of the bible where we were instructed to live holy. “Be ye holy, for I am holy.”,1Peter 1:15-16, Heb 12:14; 1Thess 4:7 etc. The question is, will God ask us to do a thing if He knew it wasn’t possible?
We however concluded that holy living is possible; if you can’t live holy, don’t discourage others from doing so.
God bless your soul 🙏!
Host: Pastors Prevail & Becky Inegbenose